4 Ways To MAKE US$270 A Day WITH GOOGLE WITHOUT A WEBSITE – Payment Proof Included

4 Ways To MAKE US$270 A Day WITH GOOGLE WITHOUT A WEBSITE – Payment Proof Included

welcome back rock stars thank you so much for your loyalty I’m grateful that you always keep coming back now Google is without a doubt a very powerful search engine that has the potential to make money in many different ways and I personally leverage Google for three of my income stream and I find it to be extremely effective in this particular video however I’m going to share four ways that you can leverage Google to make as much as $270 per day and you’ll be able to do so without ever creating a website it is

free to start easy to execute and it‘s available from anywhere across the globe and you know what I’m going to show you some payment proof to confirm that this is something that I’m doing I know others are doing it but I’ll show you how I’m using one of these income streams to make good money every single [Music] day now the first way that you can leverage Google to make $270 a day without the use of a website is to monetize with blogger now Google blogger is commonly referred to as the simplest blogging platform out there and

it is free and of course it’s offered by Google it provides a very easy way for individuals like you and me to create and publish blogs without needing to have any advanced technical knowledge or own a web hosting service or to pay for a domain or to learn how to create a website the reason why I highly recommend you monetize with blogger because one users can set up a Blog in a few steps choosing from a variety of templates and customization options to design their blog according to your personal preference number two because

blogger is a Google product it seamlessly integrates with other Google services like one very important one that we’re going to explore today which is Google AdSense and this allows you to monetize your blogs to start displaying ads and making money the third reason is the fact that blogger is a hosted platform and as such Google takes care of all the backed maintenance including things like server management software updates which means that as a Creator you can focus 100% on your effort on creating blogs and creating content now

the first step to launching blogger is to monetize the platform and to do so you need to write a blog and as I shared in this particular video you don’t need to be a great author or be extremely competent in any particular topic to write a good blog and I’m going to put the link for this video in the description so you can easily get to it step two is to sign up for monetization all you have to do is to log into your blogger account after you have created it choose the blog that you would like to monetize and navigate to the earnings

tab in the left menu you can then sign up for AdSense and I’ll put that link in the description of this video as as well or if you already have an existing Ad Sense account you can link it to blogger it’s very easy to create an Ad sense account all you have to do is to follow the prompts that are provided now after linking or creating your Ad Sense account if you didn’t already have one you’ll be redirected back to blogger so that you can continue the process now step three is to set up the ads all you

have to do is to click continue and decide where you want your ads to be displayed around your blogs below your blogs in between your blogs it’s really up to you you can then review and adjust the automatic ad placement settings as is needed depending on your preference all you have to do is to repeat some of these steps in terms of ad placement when you post a new blog and that’s all that’s required to monetize the blog now I post blogs on my website od eta rocket car.com which I recently decided to moan

  • Iz with Google AdSense and I don’t advertise my website openly so the traffic is very low but in the first month of me enabling monetization for my blogs on my website where I post about three blogs per week I made $868 in one day and that was for only 924 views in that day which is very lucrative actually I find that the ad rates for blogging and monetizing it with Google AdSense is significantly more than what I make through YouTube that said with consistency over time you can build your blog traffic not to

millions or even to tens of thousands no just with 2,900 views per day on your blogging platform that you have monetized with blogger you’ll be able to earn $270 per day and this obviously depends on things like the niche and some other factors but for the most part it’s possible and you can see it here with mine we’re in my first month of monetizing my blogs I made $86 84 in one day imagine what I’ll be able to do in 6 months or a year or what you will be able to do posting consistently at $270 per day your earning potential is

$8,100 per month now the second way to earn $270 per day with Google without launching a website is through Revenue sharing sites and these platforms allow you to publish content and earn a share of the revenue with AdSense clicks now to get started you need to either create a Google AdSense account or leverage the one that you have already created in the first option that I shared here essentially you’re participating in Revenue sharing so you need to join Revenue sharing site there are many sites out there and I’m going to give

you a few of them in this video later on so hang tight write unique and engaging articles and aim for 20 to about 25 articles I would say per month which works out to about one article per day assuming you take the weekends off with the methods I shared in this video it takes 5 minutes to write a good article and then you can personalize it to differentiate your offering with probably another 5 minutes so in 10 minutes you can knock that out before you go to your 95 job in the morning or when you come home in the afternoon and

  • then you’ll be able to use this to leverage these Revenue sharing platforms I suggest you enhance your article and you can do so with photos that you can get from free platforms like cana or even videos because you can use Snippets from videos that are not restricted from a copyright perspective the key to making your $270 per day is to share your article on multiple Revenue sharing websites and here are a few examples that are very popular for Revenue sharing the first is Hub pages and you’ll actually earn from writing

articles the revenue that you’ll earn from Hub pages is split at a 60/40 ratio or sometimes it’s split at a 60 3010 typically as the writer of the article you’ll get 60% and hub pages will get 40% Tryon is another platform and they pay 50% of the revenue share to users so again you won’t need to create a website and these rates add up pretty quickly as long as you’re doing it consistently and generating views now the third method where you can leverage Google without ever creating a website and make $270 in

a day is to participate in online forums and online communities these websites or forums they often have sections where users can post articles or participate in discussions and while these platforms may not directly integrate to Google AdSense they can be used to Drive traffic to your Google AdSense monetized content such as your blogs such as if you have a website where you are earning otherwise it can drive traffic there to utilize forums for Ad sense you need to First find relevant forums look for forums related to your content type or

your Niche websites like digital point forum and black hat World they have sections for articles where you can post your blogs and start earning you also need to create valuable content write information or engage in posts on these forums and do so in a responsible way and do so in a way where someone is learning from what you are sharing ensure that your content is relevant to the forum’s theme and adds value to the readers step three which is critical is to incorporate links now you need to subtly include these links in the Forum

post to your Ad-sense monetized content so in essence when you write that article or you contribute in this space you can discreetly talk about something and then say Hey you can learn more here and put that link to your Ad Sense monetized content so that it will drive traffic there and it will do so seamlessly and in some instances passively this method is a great way to generate additional traffic and consequently of course more Ad Sense Revenue now each Forum has its own set of rules regarding posting and linking

  • so make sure that you are complying with the Forum rules to avoid being flagged or banned and you also need to focus on creating high quality posts that genuinely contribute to the conversation rather than just posting something for the sake of embedding your links to drive Revenue you’re going to be called out on that very quickly or you’re going to be seen as a spammer and nobody’s ever going to read your articles discreet is the word of the day now the fourth way that you can make money on Google

without creating a website and in this case you can make significantly more than $27 a day in my case as an example I leverage this method and there are days when I make $4,000 in a day as an example but that takes time and effort which is why we’re starting at just $270 a day and this is creating content for YouTube and enabling Ad Sense to make money from ads when they’re posted on the videos that you are creating now as I shared in this video here you have absolutely no excuse to not have a YouTube channel in 2023 or 2024 or

anytime in the future for that matter because with just one simple sentence as shared in the video and a few minutes of your time specifically about 5 minutes you can automate a faceless YouTube channel and you’ll never have to do any research any scripting any recording or any editing for the videos that you’re posting make sure you watch this video and I’ll link it in the description below but every single person out there should have a YouTube channel not just for the monetization capabilities but also to

use it to promote your business to promote your brand if you’re selling products to promote your products if you have a small business to promote that business to a global audience you can also opt to show your face on this channel if you’re not interested in doing a faceless Channel and that grows much faster but as I shared in the video they faceless channels out there that in 5 months are producing $6,500 in Revenue so regardless of which method you choose faceless or fa you should have a YouTube channel and it

doesn’t require you to have a website to be able to do so if you using YouTube automation as I shared in the video it’s pretty easy to post three videos per week it will take you probably 30 minutes out of a day to do so and over time you need to focus on growing your Channel with consistency and good quality content which the automation takes care of for you and at 27,000 views in a day which will happen over time you’ll be able to make $270 per day and this assumes you are posting in the educational Niche which

  • is how to or teaching people something that’s going to add value to their life because this Niche actually pays more and in this example I’m assuming $10 per 1,000 views which is how you’re going to make your $270 in a day now you’ll need to join the YouTube Partner program to get paid for your videos and again you’ll need a Google AdSense account to facilitate this whenever you get to 4,000 watch hours in a period of 365 days and 1,000 subscribers or there’s some ways to qualify as well

with shorts that you can check out on YouTube but when you achieve that you’ll be able to apply for the YouTube Partner program and if accepted you’ll start earning on your YouTube channel and again making great money if you do this well and you do it consistently once you have been approved now all these methods that I’ve just shared they require some amount of consistency and delivering good quality content that will engage your community to drive traffic and monetize your content using Google

  1. Ad sense with a little bit of creativity a little bit of persistence you’ll be able to get to that $270 in a day in no time happy earnings rock stars and until next time walk

4 Ways To MAKE US$270 A Day WITH GOOGLE WITHOUT A WEBSITE – Payment Proof Included


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