$1400 PER DAY Using Google News! (FREE) (Make Money Online 2024)

$1400 PER DAY Using Google News! (FREE) (Make Money Online 2024)

$1400 PER DAY Using Google News! (FREE) (Make Money Online 2024); are you ready to learn how to make big money online I’m talking about earning up to one thousand four hundred dollars every single day without selling anything having any prior experience or even using affiliate marketing all you have to do is copy and paste some text and that is it I’ll also reveal two other websites so you can double up your earnings and an amazing tool that can help you do the whole process in less than five minutes in just three simple steps to make even more money so hit that subscribe button and let’s dive

2 into the world of make money online so first things first let’s head over to google.com dot I mean come on who doesn’t know that website once you’re there go ahead and type in Google News the first thing that’ll show up is news.google.com which is the official Google News website click on that first link and voila you’re now on the home page of Google News it’s like an online newspaper where you can find news on anything and everything under the sun world news and local news businesses Make Money Online 2024

3 technology Entertainment Sports Science Health this is the legit Google website and you can find all sorts of news on it now I know what you might be thinking why should I even care about this how am I going to get paid by just browsing a news site let me explain so on the top of the page you’ll see a bunch of news categories like world news and local news we’re going to focus on the good stuff business technology Entertainment Sports science and health so now that we’re only looking at the good stuff click on

4 one of the categories that we’re interested in let’s say we’re checking out the latest tech news so click on that category and you can see many different pieces of information about technology and for today’s video we’re honing in on the health category so let’s click on that and see what’s cooking as we scroll down we’re going to see some seriously fresh news articles about all things health and let me Choose Fitness so let’s see all right this one caught my eye let’s give it a

5 click and see what’s up now that we found the article we will be working on let me show you the most interesting part of the process are you ready to learn a cool trick for creating unique content first as I just showed you you’ll need to find an article that you like on Google News and copy it let me do that I will first select it all like this and then click write and copy it right click copy but wait we can’t just copy it and use it as it is we need to make sure we don’t get in trouble for plagiarism that’s where  Make Money Online 2024;

6 spin bot comes in head over to spinbot.com and paste the text from the article you found into the website now here’s where the magic happens spin bot is special software that takes the article you just copied and pasted and rewrites it in your own words that’s right you’ll have a completely new article with the same topic as the original one you found on Google News but you might ask why do we need to do this well if we just copied and pasted the original article we could run into some legal trouble because of copyright

7 issues by using spin-bot we avoid all of that and end up with a brand new piece of content so let me do that I will paste that article into spin bot click basic spin wait for a couple of seconds you now have a unique blog Post article or whatever you want to call it and I want to clarify something things here if you wanted to keep some words like names and numbers or quotes or something like that click right here and you can add what you want it to keep you may need to give the article a check before using it and that is why I

8 recommend that you choose an article that you are interested in alright so here’s the deal you can actually make some serious cash with this article and I’m going to show you how first off you want to copy this article and save it somewhere safe because we’re going to be selling it to a couple of websites that are going to pay us big bucks for our words these websites are going to give you one dollar for every word you write and trust me these articles can have thousands of words that means we’re

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9 talking some serious cash here so once you‘ve got this article safely saved we’re going to get to work on making some real money just stick with me and I’ll show you exactly how it’s done so the first website we’re going to be talking about today is eatingwell.com this is where things get exciting because they’re going to pay you one dollar per word that you write but don’t worry you won’t have to do any of the hard work yourself you can easily write articles using Google news and

10 spin bot without any copyright issues and the best part you won’t have to do any selling or affiliate marketing or any type of marketing at all stick around until the end because I have something exciting to show you I’ll show you how to make money from an additional two different websites one of them pays up to two dollars for each word you write and accepts articles on various topics like money Health Fitness travel personal essays relationships and more so you can make even more money by using multiple sites so eatingwell.com pay you

11 a dollar for each word you write so if you have a 700 word article you’ll get seven hundred dollars and the other website I’m going to show you pays two dollars per word which means one thousand four hundred dollars it’s super easy and you don’t have to spend hours writing or spend any money and you can start making money right now okay so now you might be wondering how to actually get paid for your article right it’s easy once you are on this website you’ll see that they pay one dollar for each word

12 you submit next you’ll need to grab the email address listed on the website and send them an email with the subject line content submission in the email just tell them that you have an article you want to submit and you’re excited to hear back from them to make it even more professional I will give you a template to use after that just copy and paste your article into the email and hit send if they’d like your article they’ll reply and ask for your payment details don’t worry since it’s your own article

13 there shouldn’t be any issues you can choose how you want to get paid PayPal bank transfer or whatever works best for you easy right and you can literally start doing this right now as you watch this video just follow along with me and you’ll be able to start writing your own article plus with Google News submitting news every couple of hours the earning potential is Limitless and if you take a look at the health category you’ll notice there are many sub-categories that offer endless opportunities to make money it’s the

14 more you do this the more money you’re going to get so the first website you can try out is eating well but I also promise to share two more websites that you can submit your articles to the second website is popular science which is similar to eating well but has a faster submission process you just need to send queries and after they reply you can submit the whole article so on this website we can see their email address and you can submit your query with your contact details to this email address I’ll share this template with you to use

15 to submit an article to the Popular Science website you need to focus on technology related topics you’re going to go back to Google news and you want to go to technology and you want to look for something that catches your attention for example let’s choose this article and paste it into spin bot and let it rewrite it in your own words and style if needed this will help you create an original and engaging article that can be submitted to the Popular Science website and you don’t have to worry about copyright everything we’re

16 doing here is totally legitimate as long as you are writing in your own words and making it unique all right the last website we’re going to talk about is aarp.org if you want to know how to submit your articles to them just go to their website and check out their submission process here’s the cool part they pay up to two dollars per word that’s more money than the other websites we’ve talked about plus they accept articles on a wide range of topics like Health Fitness travel personal essays relationships and more

17 now what you can do is submit your articles to all three websites eating well Popular Science and arp.org make sure you submit different articles to each website though because they won’t accept the same thing twice and even if they only accept one article per day you can still make hundreds of dollars a day of course not every article you submit will be accepted because they might already have something similar on their website but hey no worries you can start doing this right now for free and get paid directly to your PayPal or bank

18 account there’s no need to sell anything or have any affiliate marketing experience it just copy and paste and send an email if you can do that you can make money from this and the last bonus I have for you is this website it has a tool that helps you write articles completely from scratch so if you don’t want to waste time searching for articles on Google News you can just use this tool to write a full article in literally less than three minutes this tool can help you out so get ready because I’m about to show

19 you how to do it for free right now as you can see this is just a tool from this awesome website if you look up here it says new so it’s a fully updated version of this AI article writer tool that can help you write a premium quality up to 3 000 word ESO friendly blog articles in just three simple steps and the website has a bunch of other amazing tools too but we’ll focus on this AI article writer for now so to get into this tool you can see it says get started with 10 000 forewords and no credit card is required

20 1but believe me all you need is one out of ten that amount of words to make thousands of dollars now you just provide them with your name and email address and they will send you the activation link so you just go to your inbox and click here and now you can log in alright now let me show you how to use this tool go and click this AI article writer right here then you just go right here and enter the topic you want to write your article about for example let’s say we want to write something in the health Niche let’s go to Google news and look

21 for an article let’s choose this one I will copy the title of this article like this and then go back to the website and paste it here then click Search keywords just like that and it will give you a bunch of keywords related to what you searched you can choose a couple of them just make sure they are close and related to the topic you are trying to write your article about after highlighting them I will just copy them by selecting and pressing Carl C and separate them by comma then I click next I am not going to go into too much

22 detail in this video so just click generate ideas it gave me three titles to choose from I will choose the first one and now we need outlines so just click generate outlines and again it gave me three outlines to choose from I will just click on the first one now you can just click generate article and watch the magic happen oh wow it even includes an expressive image from apixaban that you can use without any copyright issues in less than one minute you’ll have a 1184 words high quality article that’s worth a whopping two

23 thousand dollars it’s like having a full-fledged team of writers and designers at your fingertips and all for free this tool is a game changer I think you will automatically click the like button after this part if you haven’t already so let me summarize the whole thing for you first head on over to Google news and find an article that catches your attention once you’ve found one you like copy the entire article and paste it into spin bot from there you can pitch it to the three websites I showed you if they’re

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